Recorded Course for SSC JE Electrical 2024
- 1. Analogy Enroll Now
- 2. Number Series Enroll Now
- 3. Alphabetical Series Enroll Now
- Classification Enroll Now
- word Formation Enroll Now
- Framing of Indian Constitution Enroll Now
- Parts and Schedules Enroll Now
- Sources, Salient Features, Preamble Enroll Now
- Union and Its Territory , Fundamental Rights Enroll Now
- Vice President Of India, Parliament Enroll Now
- State Legislature , Supreme Court , High Court , Election Commission of India Enroll Now
- Public Service Commission , Tribunals, Emergency Enroll Now
- Non Constitutional Bodies Enroll Now
- DPSP, Fundamental Duties , President of India Enroll Now
- Local Govt, Centre State Relationship Enroll Now
- Education in Tamil Nadu Enroll Now
- BANKING Enroll Now
- Indus Valley Civilization Watch for FREE
- Guptas Enroll Now
- Delhi Sultans - 2 Enroll Now
- Mugals - 2 Enroll Now
- Mughals - 3 Enroll Now
- Marathas - 1 Enroll Now
- Marathas - 2 Enroll Now
- Vijayanagar Bahmani Kingdom Enroll Now
- இந்திய பண்பாட்டாளர்களின் கொடை Enroll Now
- Formation of INC Watch for FREE
- Moderates , Extremists Enroll Now
- Pre Gandhiyan Era Enroll Now
- Gandhiyan phase Enroll Now
- Gandhiyan phase 2 Enroll Now
- Blood and Blood Circulation Enroll Now
- Blood and Blood Circulation - 2 Enroll Now
- Blood and Blood Circulation - 3 Enroll Now
- India location and frontiers - 2 Watch for FREE
- India Location and frontiers - 3 Enroll Now
- climate ,natural vegetation Enroll Now
- agriculture Enroll Now
- Indian -population,transport and communication Enroll Now
- Nodal Analysis Watch for FREE
- Mesh Analysis Enroll Now
- Source Transformation and Voltage Current division Enroll Now
- Network theorems 1 Enroll Now
- Network Theorems 2 Enroll Now
- Dependent Sources Watch for FREE
- Magnetic Coupled CIRCUIT Enroll Now
- Graph Theory Enroll Now
- Transient and Steady state Analysis Watch for FREE
- AC Circuit Enroll Now
- AC Circuit - part 2 Enroll Now
- AC - Network Theorems Enroll Now
- Measurement and Instrumentation_1 Enroll Now
- Measurements and instrumentation_3 Enroll Now
- Measurements and instrumentation_4 Enroll Now
- Measurements and instrumentation_5 Enroll Now
- Measurement and Instrumentation 2 Enroll Now
- Chapter 01 _ Construction of DC Machine Watch for FREE
- DC MACHINE 2 Enroll Now
- DC Machines 3 Enroll Now
- DC Machines 4 Enroll Now
- DC Machines 5 Enroll Now
- DC Machines 6 Enroll Now
- DC Machines 7 Enroll Now
- Transformer 1 Enroll Now
- Transformers 2 Enroll Now
- Transformers 3 Enroll Now
- Transformers 4 Enroll Now
- Transformers 5 Enroll Now
- Transformers 6 Enroll Now
- Transformers 7 Enroll Now
- Transformers 8 Enroll Now
- Transformers 9 Enroll Now
- Transformers 10 Enroll Now
- Transformers 11 Enroll Now
- Transformers 12 Enroll Now
- IM 1 Enroll Now
- IM 2 Enroll Now
- IM 3 Enroll Now
- IM 4 Enroll Now
- IM 5 Enroll Now
- IM 6 Enroll Now
- Transformer-1 Enroll Now
- Transformers 1 Enroll Now
- Transformers 2 Enroll Now
- Transformers 3 Enroll Now
- 1 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 2 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 3 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 4 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 5 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 6 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 7 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 8 DC Machines Enroll Now
- 9 DC Machines Enroll Now
- Transformer_4 Enroll Now
- Transformer_5 Enroll Now
- Transformer_6 Enroll Now
- Transformer_7 Enroll Now
- Transformer_8 Enroll Now
- Transformer_9 Enroll Now
- Induction Machine_1 Enroll Now
- Synchronous machine_1 Enroll Now
- Induction Machine2 Enroll Now
- Induction Machine3 Enroll Now
- Induction Machine4 Enroll Now
- Induction Machine5 Enroll Now
- Synchronous machine_2 Enroll Now
- Synchronous machine_3 Enroll Now
- Synchronous machine_5 Enroll Now
- Synchronous machine 4 Enroll Now
- Synchronous machine_2.1 Enroll Now
- SM 1 Watch for FREE
- SM 2 Enroll Now
- SM 3 Enroll Now
- SM 4 Enroll Now
- SM 5 Enroll Now
- SM 6 Enroll Now
- SM 7 Enroll Now
- SM 8 Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ LG Fault Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ LG Fault problem Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ Three phase symmetric fault Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ Fault analysis problem Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ LL Fault & LLG Fault Enroll Now
- Chapter 06_Introduction Transmission and distribution system Enroll Now
- Chapter 06_ Corona and Sag Enroll Now
- Chapter 06_ Performance of UG Cable and OH insulators Enroll Now
- Chapter 06_Distribution system Enroll Now
- Power generation Enroll Now
- Chapter 07_ Economic operation Enroll Now
- Introduction Watch for FREE
- Chapter 01 _ Chopper intro - 01 Watch for FREE
- Chapter 01_ Buck converter -02 Enroll Now
- Chapter 01 _ Boost converter - 03 Enroll Now
- Chapter 01_ Buck boost converter - 04 Enroll Now
- Chapter 01_ Chopper problem - 05 Enroll Now
- Chapter 01 _Commutation circuits - 06 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02 _Single phase halfwave inverter - 01 Watch for FREE
- Chapter 02 _Single phase halfwave inverter - 02 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02 _Single phase full bridge inverter - 03 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02_Single phase inverter problems - 04 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02 _ Three phase (180 degree conduction) - 05 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02_ Three phase (120 degree conduction) - 06 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02 _ Pulse width modulation - 07 Enroll Now
- Chapter 02_ Three phase inverter problem - 08 Enroll Now
- Chapter 03_ Energy and powerloss - 01 Enroll Now
- Chapter 03 _Semiconductor devices charactestics -02 Enroll Now
- Chapter 03_Diode and its characteristics-03 Enroll Now
- Chapter 03 _Characteristics of triggering circuits - 04 Enroll Now
- Chapter 03_Power semiconductor devices problem -05 Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ Single phase halfwave rectifier -01 Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ Single phase halfwave rectifier - 02 Enroll Now
- Chapter 04 _Single phase full wave rectifier - 03 Enroll Now
- Chapter 04 _Single phase semi-controlled and 3 phase rectifiers - 04 Enroll Now
- Chapter 04_ Rectifier problems - 05 Enroll Now
- Chapter 05_ AC and DC Drives Enroll Now