#Percentage - SSC, RRB, TNPSC Aptitude questions Solved - Part 1 | Sparks Academy

0:20 -- 1. Mr Amar spends 50% of his monthly income on household items and out of the remaining he spends 25% on travelling, 30% on entertainment, 15% on shopping and remaining amount of Rs. 900 is saved. What is Mr Amar’s monthly income?

2:17 -- 2. In a test consisting of 80 questions carrying one mark each, Ankita answers 65% of the first 40 questions correctly. What percent of the other 40 questions does she need to answer correctly to score 80% on the entire test?

4:24 -- 3. On a test consisting of 250 questions, John answered 40% of the first 125 questions correctly. What percent of the other 125 questions does she need to answer correctly for her grade on the entire exam to be 60%?

5:31 -- 4. In a college election fought between two candidates, one candidate got 55% of the total valid votes. 15% of the votes were invalid. If the total votes were 15,200, what is the number of valid votes the other candidate got?

8:58 -- 5. A candidate who scores 30% fails by 10 marks, while another candidate who scores 40% marks gets 15 more than minimum pass marks. The minimum marks required to pass are:
Published on 09 - 02 - 2021