#Profit and Loss - SSC, RRB, TNPSC Aptitude questions Solved - Part 1 | Sparks Academy

0:15 -- 1. The C.P. of 20 articles is the same as S.P. of 15 articles. The profit percent is….

2:06 -- 2. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a profit of 25%. If C pays Rs. 1500, what did A pay for it?

4:35 -- 3. The SP of an article after two successive discounts of 10% and 5% on marked price is Rs. 171. Find the marked price?

7:08 -- 4. By selling a table for Rs. 350 instead of Rs. 400, loss percent increases by 5%. The cost price of the table is?

8:26 -- 5. A shopkeeper allows a discount of 12.5% on the marked price of a certain article and makes a profit of 20%. If the article costs the shopkeeper Rs. 210, then the marked price of the article will be?

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Published on 10 - 02 - 2021